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Being instructor/teacher is an honor for everyone. Through that profession we may share and discovered new things/knowledge with our students. But it is not an easy way as we look. In teaching learning process, teachers must have a strategy in teaching to influence their students to get involve/to be active in its process. It is the important thing in learning beside the material that we prepared.

In learning English, English teacher teach 4 aspects to be mastered by students. They are reading, writing, speaking and listening. This article much focus on the reading skill.

This article guide you into the use of reading strategy, PLAN. PLAN stands for Predict, Locate, Add and Note. It was discovered by D.C Caverly and his friends in 1995. It published by Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy. I thought, this strategy just like mind mapping discovered by ThinkBuzan in 2006. 

PLAN reading strategy uses graphic organizer in help students to understand text that they read. Graphic organizer helps student to map out the idea and put in the same place. So, they can call it easily as they need.

Figure 1: The example of Graphic Organizer

In doing PLAN as our reading strategy, we must follow the steps bellow:
Predict, Locate, Add and Note include in three phases. 
  1. before reading
  2. during reading
  3. after reading
A) In before reading phase, we put predict as the first step in this strategy. Here, we write the title. We ask the student to predict the story (in this case, I use narrative text, you may apply by another text) by looking at the title. They may use dictionary to help them in finding the meaning of each word in the title. After they predict what will going in the story, we give them the entire text.

B) When we give students the entire text, we are in during reading phase. Here, we put two steps. They are locate and add. 
  • Locate
    In Locate step, we ask student to find some information in the text. As in narrative text, I ask the student to find the characters that involve in the story. Then, we move to the second step in during reading phase
  • Add
    Here, we add the information about the character that we find in the last step. What are they doing in the text, what happen to them. Then, we relate the event among the character. In this step, students may put (?/question mark) to the word/phrases/process that they don't understand yet. They may also re-read the story to make sure them in discovered all information that they need.    
 C) Now, we move to the last phase, after reading. This phase includes:
  • Note
    In this step, student must conclude the story from the three steps before.
Hopefully, this article help any teacher all over the world in learning process. So, the classroom becomes enjoyable for students and make them easy to understand the text. Thank you. God Bless You.    

Caverly, D.C, Mandivelle, T., & Nicholson S. (1995). PLAN: Study Reading Strategy for Informational Text. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 190-199.

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