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26 Juli 2013 pukul 18:13
Ruangan itu tidak terlalu besar. Jika kau masuk melalui satu-satunya pintu dengan gagang yang sudah mulai goyang, kau akan mendapati sebuah meja kayu berwarna cokelat berukuran dua meter dengan lebar tidak sampai satu meter dengan sebuah mesin ketik di atasnya. Dan lagi, sebuah kursi kayu reyot tersimpan rapat di dekat meja tadi dimana buku-buku tebal dan kertas-kertas berserakan. Disebelah meja itu, diletakkan sebentuk sofa berwarna biru langit yang terlihat masih baru. Menghadap ke kiri, lemari tempat menyimpan buku berdiri tegak di samping jendela yang menghadap ke arah jalanan yang selalu ramai, sehingga pemandangannya tidak begitu membosankan. Sementara seluruh dinding beton ruangan itu di tempeli dengan berbagai potongan halaman majalah, kliping koran, dan foto-foto yang tidak menarik dan jumlahnya begitu banyak sehingga kau pikir tak kan sanggup memperkirakan jumlah mereka. Meskipun sempit, udara di ruangan itu cukup segar walau cuaca diluar terasa panas. Lebih ke dalam lagi, terdapat sebuah ruang yang dipisahkan dari ruang utama oleh sebuah gorden hijau rumput. Disana terdapat sebuah kasur kecil dan dua buah bantal tersusun rapi dan seprei hijau menutupinya. Tak ada jendela di situ, hanya sebuah kipas angin kecil yang terletak di atas meja kecil. Sementara lampu tidur yang menempel di dinding sudah rusak karena tidak pernah digunakan lagi sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu. Aneh juga membayangkan seseorang pernah hidup di sini selama bertahun-tahun. (Read More)

Namaku Badrun, namun semua orang memanggilku Tole. Kata ibu, namaku berarti rembulan yang diharapkan menjadi penerang dan berakhlak indah. Umurku 27 tahun tapi fisikku tak jauh beda dengan mereka yang berusia belasan tahun, yang membedakan hanya gurat wajahku yang lebih tua dari mereka dan badanku sedikit bungkuk. Orang-orang pun memberiku sebutan ‘wajah penuh senyum’. Aku tahu, tak banyak yang bisa aku lakukan untuk sekedar meringankan beban ibuku. Mudah-mudahan, dengan senyumku akan menghilangkan rasa khawatir ibu atas masa depanku.

Aku tak pernah meminta dilahirkan seperti ini dan tak pula menyalahkan orangtuaku terlebih ibu yang melahirkanku. Aku tahu, bukannya ibu tak ingin mengobati aku, tapi karena tak ada cukup uang. Aku hanya minta kepada Tuhan, agar ibuku yang kini sendirian tak lelah mendoakanku, itu sudah cukup. Setidaknya, aku tetap mereka rawat dengan baik hingga aku sebesar ini.

Aku tak pernah sekolah, kata ibu tak perlu lagipula sekolah mana yang mau menerima murid cacat seperti aku. Sebenarnya aku iri dengan teman-teman seusiaku, mereka bisa sekolah tinggi, hidup bahagia bahkan telah membina rumah tangga. Teman mainku saat ini adalah mereka, anak-anak polos yang kadang kepolosannya menyerangku dengan segala ejekan dan hinaan. Tak mengapa, mereka tidak tahu. Kubalas mereka dengan senyuman. Kata ibu, hanya dengan senyuman kesedihan akan sirna.

Namaku Badrun namun orang lebih suka memanggilku Tole. Terdampar dalam hiruk pikuk dan keagungan ‘kesempurnaan’ yang seolah menertawakanku. Cukuplah Tuhan memberiku ‘rasa syukur’ untuk ‘keistimewaanku’, ya, kata ibu aku istimewa di hatinya dalam ucapan di sela senyumnya. Meski kutahu, jauh di kedalaman rasanya, ibu teramat mengasihaniku. Satu hal yang aku ingat selalu sebuah kalimat penyejuk mengaliri darahku “Nak, Betapa Tuhan sayang denganmu, engkau teramat istimewa hingga Tuhan membebaskanmu dari segala dosa”.

Samar-samar kusaksikan senyum ibu menyisa di sudut bibirnya. Ragaku melayang mengabadikan senyum yang Tuhan anugerahkan hingga saat aku harus menemuiNya. Tuhan, tolong jaga ibuku, selama ini pun aku tak mampu.

Undang-undang Organisasi Masyarakat (UU Ormas) 2013 telah disetujui Panitia Kerja (Panja) DPR RI pada 7 Juni 2012. Selanjutnya, akan disahkan sehingga bisa diaplikasikan segera.

UU Ormas 2013 merupakan pemabaharuan dari UU Ormas 1985. Beberapa alasan yang mendasari pembaharuan UU Ormas (amandemen) salah satunya pertimbangan panja poin b, bahwa Undang-Undang Nomr 8 tahun 1985 tentang Organisasi Kemasyaraktan sudah tidak sesuai lagi dengan kebutuhan dan dinamika kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara sehingga perlu diganti.

Sampai saat ini, UU Ormas 2013 banyak mendapat pertentangan berbagai pihak. Mereka beranggapn bahwa peraturan tersebut memberangus kebebasan setiap warga negara didalam membentuk suatu oragnisasi kemasyarakatan. Dan juga tidak sesuai dengan semangat demokrasi.

Untuk lebih jelasnya, saya membagikan link download Rancangan UU Ormas, sehingga sobat e-book gratis bisa mempelajarinya, tidak hanya mendengar dan melihat penolakan yang sekarang ini marak diberbagai media cetak dan elektronik. Selain itu, saya juga membagikan UU Ormas 1985 sebagai perbandingan. Akhirnya saya ucapkan, selamat mempelajarinya, jadilah manusia Indonesia yang cerdas dan beradab.

This is a story from West Borneo, retold by student of SMP Kristen Maranatha Pontianak grade eight A (8A), Yesilia Viony and Tia Veronika.

Long time ago, there was a poor husband and wife lived in a village in Riau. They did fishing and planting cassavas everyday to provide their needs. The couple was blessed with three sons; Salimbo the oldest, Ngah the second and Kelingking the youngest (kelingking literally means: the little finger).

Kelingking had been different from the very beginning he was born. He was named so since he was so small and short. He drank more than the ordinary babies did that he often hurted his mother during the breast feeding. It was said that his mother died when Kelingking was still 5 months old for not being able to bear the pain during the breast feeding. His brothers hated him since then on and condemned him as the cause of their mother`s death.

Being left behind by the mother, the three sons were taken care of by their father. He raised his sons alone. Salimbo, Ngah and Kelingking helped their father to fish and plant the cassavas as they grew older. They even searched for firewood to be sold sometimes. Kelingking was the most diligent among the others, and this made him his father`s preference. The two older brothers disliked it that their father loved him more than them. Jealousy made the two brothers prepared an evil plan to get rid of their father`s beloved son. 

One day, Salimbo and Ngah went to the forest to search for wood and they invited Kelingking to come with them. They took Kelingking with them without telling their father that they could put the evil plan into action. Being unaware of the threat, went Kelingking with his brothers. He followed his brothers with full trust.

The three brothers directly worked to search for the woods they needed as they arrived at the forest. His very small body enabled Kelingking to only carry the small branches. Hours they spent till the break came. They were resting under a shady tree when a deer came around and attracted their attention. “Kelingking. Chase that deer!” commanded Salimbo to Kelingking. “Don`t let it run away brother!” added Ngah. Kelingking was intrigued and he chased the deer to the forest. And at that time, when Kelingking was trying hard to catch the deer in the deep forest, his brothers left him on purpose. Then they hurriedly went to their father. “Father, forgive us please. We have failed to take care of our brother, Kelingking. He was attacked by a tiger, and we couldn`t save him,” cried Salimbo with his fake tears. “It`s true father. We`ve tried hard to save him but we failed. The tiger was so wild”, said Ngah to support his brother`s lie. “Do you say the truth my sons?” asked the father in difficulties to believe his ears. “Yes father!” responded Salimbo and Ngah immediately. Salimbo and Ngah`s words finally convinced their father. His world seems to fade away because of the death of his beloved son.

Meanwhile, Kelingking was still trying hard to catch the deer deep in the forest. He looked so happy thinking, “If I take this deer home, my father and brothers will be happy”. A sudden voice shocked Kelingking and dragged him back to the real world. “Hey young man! Please let me go. I am the King of the deers in this forest. I`ll teach you the skill to catch deer if you promise to let me go”, persuaded the deer that Kelingking caught. He found it hard to believe that a deer was able to speak as a human did, yet he finally agreed to let it go. “Okay deer, I will let you go but you have to teach me how to catch a deer as you`ve promised”.

The deer kept its words and taught Kelingking the skills to trap and catch deer. When all the tricks were passed on him, the deer said “Young man, you can catch as many deers as you wish with your skill. But you have to promise that you will use your skill to catch the bad and wild ones only”. Then the deer went back to its place.

Kelingking went back to his home and joyfully shouted to call his father and brothers. “Father! Brothers! I am home”. His father ran out to welcome his son as he heard his voice. He was very happy to know that his beloved son was still alive. “Thank god my son. You survived the tiger`s attack”, said the father hugging Kelingking.

The two brothers were amazed to see their brother`s presence at their home. They couldn't believe that Kelingking didn't die in the forest as they`ve planned. “How could he survive in the middle of jungle?” asked Salimbo to himself. Ngah was asking the same thing. “How could he catch two deers at the same time while he was chasing only one?” wondered Ngah looking at the two deers that Kelingking brought home. Kelingking handed the two deers to his brothers to be cooked that they would eat together.

Nothing could stop the elder brothers to get rid of their younger brother. They set another evil plan to harm Kelingking. They took him fishing the jerungs in a sea. They went fishing with a small boat. Salimbo and Ngah pretended to spread the net as they reached the sea. A few minutes later they told Kelingking that the net was stuck on the coral reef and asked him to swim into the water to free it. They hoped that the jerungs would come and attack Kelingking. The brothers` prediction came true. As Kelingking jumped into the water, the jerungs directly attacked him. His two brothers left Kelingking when he was busy freeing himself from the fishes. Salimbo and Ngah went to tell their father about what happened to Kelingking. Surely, the old man was grieving for the news. Unexpectedly, Kelingking appeared in front of the house in the middle of the night, “Father, I am home!” The father hurriedly ran out to welcome his son and hugged Kelingking tightly. “Kelingking, my son. I thought you were dead. I am told that you were eaten by the jerungs”. “I could beat the jerungs Father. Look, I brought you a big jerung to eat”, explained Kelingking to his father showing the fish. Kelingking then gave the fish to his brothers to be cooked for their meal.

Time went by and Kelingking grew up to a fine adult man. He planned to fight for his fortune in a foreign land to help his family. “I have to fight for my fortune. I have to help my family. I have to go and find my luck. Dad will be fine with my brothers. I`m sure that father will permit me to go and work”, said Kelingking to himself thinking about his dreams.

“Father, please let me go to search for my fortune”, said Kelingking one night to his father. “I want to help our family to have a better life” persuaded Kelingking to his father. His father finally let him go even though he felt it hard to do so. “I understand my son. I will let you go and pray that you`ll realize your dreams”, said the father. “Thank you father. I will come back to pick you and my brothers later when I reach my fortune”, responded Kelingking happily.
In the next morning, he went to the foreign land with seven ketupats for his journey. He walked for months, but not a single ketupat he ate. He just ate fruits and leaves from the forest during the journey.

Kelingking arrived in a thick forest one afternoon. He sat under a tree and fell asleep for being so tired. A voice spoke to him in his dream, “Young man, tie your ketupats on a root of a tuba plant and put it into the water if you want to be a son-in-law of a king. When you see bubbles come out of the water, the big fish in it has died then. Jump into it and take the fish”. Not even a word came out of Kelingking`s mouth for he suddenly awoke. Without wasting a second, he got up and searched for the tuba root as the voice in his dream commanded. He walked through the deep forest as he found the root in searching for the river.

“This is the river I once saw in my dream`, muttered Kelingking when he came to a river.  He directly tied his seven ketupats on to a root of a tree and put it into the water. Bubbles immediately came out of the water, and he jumped into it. He finally found a big fish in the water and later toasted it. He enjoyed the fish until the head was left. “What to do now?” he asked himself. “I`ve followed all of the instructions as were told in my dream but not even a princess is seen around. There is nobody here but me” Kelingking felt sorry for himself. Regretting all he has done, he kicked the head of the fish with full power that it flied away to the sky. He paid no more attention to it and continued his journey without knowing where to go.

One day, Kelingking arrived in a village. All of the villagers were attracted by a head of a fish which suddenly dropped from the sky at the field of the King`s palace. They couldn`t stop talking about it. Unexpectedly, it was the head of the fish that Kelingking kicked for his regret. The head of the fish stuck on the ground tightly that not even a man could take it off. It disturbed the view around the palace and the Princess was annoyed by this. She asked her father to remove the head from the field, “Father, that head of a fish in the front field really irritates me. This palace doesn`t look beautiful anymore. Can you please command someone to remove it?”

The King ordered all of his staffs to remove the head of the fish. Each of them tried but it didn`t move even an inch. Not even a single of the crews was successful to remove it. They did try to do it together in a group, and still it remained on the ground.

The King later set a competition to remove the head. “Dear all villagers, for anyone who was able to get rid of the head of the fish from my palace will be crowned as my son-in- law for a man and my daughter for a woman”, announced the King.

The competition took place at last. People gathered in front of the palace to witness the moment, and Kelingking was one of those who were present. He was so surprised looking at the head of the fish. ”It seems that I have seen that once”, he tried hard to refresh his memory. And finally he remembered that it was the one he kicked before for being so upset.

One by one the competitors tried their chance. Yet, not even one of them could move it. Kelingking was also interested at joining the competition. People laughed at him and mocked him when they saw a man with a very small body ever thought to join such a competition. Kelingking chose to ignore them. Filled with full of confidence, he encircled the head seven times and then lifted it with his little finger. Magically it moved! Kelingking easily lifted it and buried it in the back yard of the palace. He won the competition for sure thus had the right to marry the princess as the King has promised.

“Young man! Even though your body is small, you are the only one who could remove the head of the fish. I will marry you to my daughter as I`ve promised” the King said to Kelingking with full of admiration. The wedding of Kelingking with the Princess was held the next week. It was an amazing wedding party. Many wonderful songs and dances were performed during the party. The King`s family members were all happy for the marriage. Kelingking picked his father and brothers several days later. And they all lived happily ever after. 


This is a story from West Borneo, retold by student of SMP Kristen Maranatha Pontianak grade eight A (8A), Anton, Emelio and Nievelia Then.

Once upon a time, some where in bawakng mountain side there was a hedgehog’s hole and lived many of people too. According to the people story, ever happened hedgehog fold changed to human to asked something to sale their family’s sore.
Village people prepared all things that they need. Then, the hedgehogs that changed into human was get on together with the village people to take the things. But, the things that they took just peranggi fruit and kundur  fruit. The fruits was tarviated and was strike with a stick. They also took the village people to their ritual.
The ritual was congratulated with royally. The village people also feel eerie with this ritual. So, they took leave this ritual. The hedgehog brought their to the door. Suddenly, after  the hedgehog brought their to the street door , the hedgehog  was disappeared and the village people just saw a hedgehog hole. They felt deceivable.
They felt angry because they lied by hedgehog. Few days later, they annihilated  the hedgehog’s hole. The hedgehog ran broke away from this incident and some of hedgehog was died. Some of the hedgehog that could slip away from this incident, promised will destroy the plants that they found.
This promised was really happened and the chieftain of Dayak term made a ritual named Narakng. This ritual had a purpose to pray to their God for piece and safety , also for they harvest product.

This is a story from West Borneo, retold by student of SMP Kristen Maranatha Pontianak grade eight A (8A), Marcus Vernando and Vinsensius Theo.

Long time ago, there lived a farmer and his wife. Although, they were not rich, they liked to helped other people.
One night, farmer was sitting on the bed. Beside him, his wife was sleeping. Suddenly he was surprised by a white centipede that appeared from his wife’s had. The white centipede walked to leaved their house. The farmer followed the white centipede until he arrive at a pond not far from their house. The white centipede disappeared.the farmer then went to home. His wife still was sleeping.
The next morning, the farmer wife retell her dream last night.”I was walking in the field, and there was a lake in there. I saw a giant hedgehog in the lake. The giant hedgehog looked at me with big eyes, so I ran."
Then, the farmer went to the pond. In the pond he saw something glowing. He took it, obvious it was a hedgehog statue’s made by gold. That statue was beauty, it eyes made by diamond. The farmer took it back to home.
At the night,the farmer was came by a giant hedgehog in his dream.” Allow me stay in your home I will give you what ever you want.”
The hedgehog taught to wipe the gold hedgehog statue’s head and say the request something. If the request is enough, farmer must say the sentence to stop it.
The farmer retell his dream to his wife. They wanted to proof that dream. The farmer wipe the statue’s head and say  the request sentence. He asked for rice. Suddenly,the rice was came out from the statue’s mouth. The rice so continuously until to much. Soon , the farmer said the second sentence , and the rice stopped to flow from the hedgehog statue’s mouth. Then, they asked many various things that they needed. They became very rich. But, they still not proud and liked to help people. Many people came to asked help.
A thief knew the secret of the hedgehog statue. He pretend to asked for help and stole the hedgehog statue. He took it back to home. His village was in dryness . The thief said to his neighbor that he could get water for their  village.
The thief asked the water.  While wiped the statue’s head and said the request sentence. The water came out from the statue’s mouth. The village’s people very happy. Later, the water was enough their necessity. But, the water flow continuously, so it became flood. The thief didn’t know how to stopped the came out water from the statue. Village people ran to saved their life to higher place.The thief want to saved his life , too. But, he couldn’t moved his legs. He saw a giant hedgehog was holding his legs . Finally , he sank into high speed water in every time. Later on the water formed a river that called “Sungai Landak”.
This is a story from West Borneo, retold by student of SMP Kristen Maranatha Pontianak grade eight A (8A), Sulbudi and Margaretha Rosamin.

Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful girl named Siru that lived in Benua Mawa village (now Telogah village). Siru is the most beautiful girl in her village, so many boys liked her. But, nobody else can get her heart. In agreement with the customs and traditions, Siru lived with her grandma from her father.
One day, Siru was sitting in front of her house. Her grandma asked her “What is the problem Siru?”.
 Siru answered her grandma,“In the morning, I met a handsome man that greet to me. My heart was throbbing and until now I can’t forget it. How about this grandma?”
“I know that Siru. If you’re feel suitable, we can determine your engagement and wedding day.” After heard that, she was very happy.
Months was passed, years was passed too. Arrived her wedding day. Her grandma’s house very crowded. Suddenly grandma from her mother side made their wedding be disorganized and made the guests dispersed. “You’re may not carry on your wedding. You don’t ever think you’re the most beautiful in the village. You’re ugly, there is still more beautiful girl than you”.
She cried and retell all happened to her grandma. Her grandma soon take out her magic power to changed Siru to be more beautiful. After it set up, her grandma butchered her body and clean it in the Telogah River. She threw the dirty meat. Then, her grandma cooked it in the silver clay pot. Suddenly, came out a more beautiful girl from the silver clay pot.
Then, Siru came to her grandma and asked to her, “Am I the most beautiful girl in this village?”.
 Her grandma answered: “No, there was more beautiful girl than you.”
Then she went back to her home and retell to her grandma. Then, her grandma took out a bronze claypot and did the same thing like she had done before. Suddenly, came out a more beautiful girl than before.  But her grandma still protest that she is not beautiful. Grandma from her father side took out her last magic power. And suddenly came out a very beautiful girl from diamond claypot. Her skin was white glowing, and clean.
But, Her grandma said: “When I was young, I was more beauty than you, and snacth away for mans.” She cried again and asked to her grandma to changed her to be more beautiful than now. Her grandma said: “I don’t have magic again.”
 She still persuaded her grandma. Finally, her grandma agreed with her with a rule. She must receive anything that will be.
After anything had finished, she butchered Siru’s body and clean it in the Telogah river. Ten, she just cooked it in usual clay pot. After it boils, came out a dog from the clay pot. The beautiful Siru became a little dog. After the event, Siru didn’t brave to came to her grandma’s house. Siru still faithfull with her grandma. One day, her grandma asked to carried their hut. She did not allowed to up to the mountain. Because she was curious, she followed her grandma to the mountain. There she met a big pig she wanted to pounce on the pig, but the pig escape to the Sum river. The thunder swoop down the pig and the dog and they became a rock. Finally, Siru became a statue that wanted to pounce on the pig.

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