This is a story from West Borneo, retold by student of SMP Kristen Maranatha Pontianak grade eight A (8A), Sylvia Rekha and Harry Ilfanto Kamlius.
time ago, there lived a young man named Habib Husein. He lived with his mother.
His father was died. Before his father died, his father and his mother always advice
him to be honest and modest.
day, the King of Siantan named Abdullah Agung, made a prize contest to all
of young man to replace his position.
All of young man that join this prize
contest were given by king a seed to sow. After arrived the day, the King will
choose one the best of this prize contest’s result. Habib Husein also joined
this prize contest.
got the seed, he began to plant the seed in the chamber pot liked his mom
ordered. He watered and give it manure every day. Day on alternate days, month
on alternate months, year also began to turned to year and arrived the day to
chose the winner. But, his plant couldn’t grow up. The other participant that
saw his chamber pot laugh him. So, he was so sad.
certain will disappoint with my plant,” rough him in the heart. After arrived
in the castle, the other plants have been grown up and fertile. The king began
check one by one the plant and arrived at him. Habib Husein didn’t brave to
gaze upward his head in front of the king. The king looked at him empty chamber
pot that Habib Husein brought and smile.
are really an amazing young man,” said the king.
heard wroth by the other participant.
Then, Habib Husein asked to king. “Why did you said that I am an amazing young
man, but in fact my chamber pot was empty, but the other filled by fertilized
the king smile again and said, “Before I gave you the seeds, I have boiled it
first. So, you are the winner that will
replace my position as a king”. Heard that, other participants hook a bow because they feel
Habib Husein have been a king because his honesty. All thing that we did by
honesty will get an amazing result same as Habib Husein had done.
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