This is a story from West Borneo, retold by student of SMP Kristen Maranatha Pontianak grade eight A (8A), Dodi Gunawan and Wulan.

Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful girl. She lived with her mother.she was very adored by a lot of people because her beauty. But, she was been an arrogant and be lazy. She charred her skin was broke by sunlight and her hand broke by housework. What that she wanted , always her mother did.
One day, her mother tried to talk into changed her attitude. She wanted to did it, but her mother never would admitted she is her mother. Her mother was did it. One day, while they was going to the market, many people was bating around their.
“Is she her mother?” said someone
“May be not.they looks different.”
Hearing that, this girl said, “ No. She is my vassal.”
After heard that, her mother cried and prayed, “How do you condemn this arrogant and evil minded, God? If she a child, I will understand. But, she had grow up and had mind. I can’t understand it” groan by her.
Liked hearing her mother pray, the cloud been dark and the thunderbolt was swoop down and seize. Suddenly, the thunderbolt swoop down the arrogant girl. This girl was been a stone. She wanted to apologize to her mother, but she couldn’t. She just could cry from this stone.
            Until now, this stone known as “Crying Stone”.

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