This is a story from West Borneo, retold by student of SMP Kristen Maranatha Pontianak grade eight A (8A), Anton, Emelio and Nievelia Then.

Once upon a time, some where in bawakng mountain side there was a hedgehog’s hole and lived many of people too. According to the people story, ever happened hedgehog fold changed to human to asked something to sale their family’s sore.
Village people prepared all things that they need. Then, the hedgehogs that changed into human was get on together with the village people to take the things. But, the things that they took just peranggi fruit and kundur  fruit. The fruits was tarviated and was strike with a stick. They also took the village people to their ritual.
The ritual was congratulated with royally. The village people also feel eerie with this ritual. So, they took leave this ritual. The hedgehog brought their to the door. Suddenly, after  the hedgehog brought their to the street door , the hedgehog  was disappeared and the village people just saw a hedgehog hole. They felt deceivable.
They felt angry because they lied by hedgehog. Few days later, they annihilated  the hedgehog’s hole. The hedgehog ran broke away from this incident and some of hedgehog was died. Some of the hedgehog that could slip away from this incident, promised will destroy the plants that they found.
This promised was really happened and the chieftain of Dayak term made a ritual named Narakng. This ritual had a purpose to pray to their God for piece and safety , also for they harvest product.

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