This is a story from West Borneo, retold by student of SMP Kristen Maranatha Pontianak grade eight A (8A), Marcus Vernando and Vinsensius Theo.

Long time ago, there lived a farmer and his wife. Although, they were not rich, they liked to helped other people.
One night, farmer was sitting on the bed. Beside him, his wife was sleeping. Suddenly he was surprised by a white centipede that appeared from his wife’s had. The white centipede walked to leaved their house. The farmer followed the white centipede until he arrive at a pond not far from their house. The white centipede disappeared.the farmer then went to home. His wife still was sleeping.
The next morning, the farmer wife retell her dream last night.”I was walking in the field, and there was a lake in there. I saw a giant hedgehog in the lake. The giant hedgehog looked at me with big eyes, so I ran."
Then, the farmer went to the pond. In the pond he saw something glowing. He took it, obvious it was a hedgehog statue’s made by gold. That statue was beauty, it eyes made by diamond. The farmer took it back to home.
At the night,the farmer was came by a giant hedgehog in his dream.” Allow me stay in your home I will give you what ever you want.”
The hedgehog taught to wipe the gold hedgehog statue’s head and say the request something. If the request is enough, farmer must say the sentence to stop it.
The farmer retell his dream to his wife. They wanted to proof that dream. The farmer wipe the statue’s head and say  the request sentence. He asked for rice. Suddenly,the rice was came out from the statue’s mouth. The rice so continuously until to much. Soon , the farmer said the second sentence , and the rice stopped to flow from the hedgehog statue’s mouth. Then, they asked many various things that they needed. They became very rich. But, they still not proud and liked to help people. Many people came to asked help.
A thief knew the secret of the hedgehog statue. He pretend to asked for help and stole the hedgehog statue. He took it back to home. His village was in dryness . The thief said to his neighbor that he could get water for their  village.
The thief asked the water.  While wiped the statue’s head and said the request sentence. The water came out from the statue’s mouth. The village’s people very happy. Later, the water was enough their necessity. But, the water flow continuously, so it became flood. The thief didn’t know how to stopped the came out water from the statue. Village people ran to saved their life to higher place.The thief want to saved his life , too. But, he couldn’t moved his legs. He saw a giant hedgehog was holding his legs . Finally , he sank into high speed water in every time. Later on the water formed a river that called “Sungai Landak”.

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