In this posting, I share you software and e-book KBBI 1.4. KBBI stands for Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (the dictionary of Indonesian language). 

This is good dictionary for native in deepen their understanding about their own language and to know how to use the word grammatically. This book highly recommended for teachers and students. 

Beside that, this book may use by non-native as reference in learning Indonesian language. 

I split this software into 8 files. So, the user in slow connection may download it easily. 

File 1                            File 5
File 2                            File 6
File 3                            File 7
File 4                            File 8      

INSTRUCTION: When you complete the download, just put it into the same folder. Then, choose file 1. Extract file 1 by using winrar/zip/7zip. These file will join automatically.

Here is link download for KBB e-book in pdf format.


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